At NJs we know there are some frustrations around school meal payment and we have been working behind the scenes to try to find a system that should make this easier for you:

Coming soon…. Parent Pay!

This is an online system that you log onto and you will be able to see meals your child has taken and pay the balance.  Other schools use this system and we have had really positive feedback.

We will also be using this for payments for school trips and to sign up to clubs.

The current payment system for school meals will cease at 5pm tomorrow.  There may be a lapse between this and you receiving your details to create a Parent Pay account: please do not worry.  Any money you have already on your account will move over to Parent Pay and if you don’t have enough credit no child will go without a meal.

We hope to have a letter with you for you to set up on Parent Pay by Monday/Tuesday next week (all being well!).

Thank you for your support as we try to improve things for everyone.