Key Stage 2 SAT Results

Year 6 Parents and Carers

In your child’s report you will have received a sheet that contains their Key Stage 2 SAT results. This sheet contains:

For tests: you have the outcome: whether your child has achieved the expected standard (AS) or has not met the expected standard (NS) and a scaled score.  As a reminder:

At KS2 the range of scaled scores is 80 to 120. A scaled score:

  • below 100 means that your child may need more support to help them reach the expected standard
  • of 100 or more means that your child is working at, or above, the expected standard for the key stage

We are also required to give you the context of how Year 6 pupils have performed nationally, this can be found here:

We are very proud of the attainment of all of our children.

If you have any queries please do contact myself or your class teacher.

Mrs Moody