Just a few words of thanks after what has been a very, very busy day!!
I work with a phenomenal team of teachers, office staff, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors, cleaners, caretakers and cooks and can’t thank them enough for their commitment today. They have all been in school today planning and preparing for the challenge of the coming weeks with a great spirit of morale and a determination to do their very best for the NJS community. This is something very special and something I am very privileged to be part of…. thank you to them all for everything they do for NJS.
Everyone in our school family faces a challenge at the start of 2021 balancing personal and work related matters. Please be kind to yourselves, look after your wellbeing and know that by keeping each other safe and doing our best we are doing more than enough at this time.
As parents who are entering the world of home schooling again we fully appreciate the challenge. Please put wellbeing first: look after your children. You know them best and know how they are feeling as the days go on…. let them take time out if they need it, use the opportunity for exercise and don’t put too much pressure on them or yourself.
We will offer plenty of learning materials and resources over the coming weeks but fully expect you to balance those with time to relax, exercise, watch a film or to engage with some of the enrichment and fun activities we will also lead and promote.
Take care everyone and keep safe, we can’t wait to see our NJS children over the next couple of days even though it will be remotely for now.
Thank you all for your support as always, we’ll do this together.
Mrs M x