NJS represented at W100!
Mrs Jukes, NJS Art Coordinator, organised all pupils to enter into the W100 Tennis Art Competition. The children were asked to produce a design inside a W100 stencil that they felt appropriate ahead of the renowned tennis tournament that took place in Shrewsbury this weekend!
The Shrewsbury Club received over 1000 entries from a range of Shropshire schools and shortlisted these entries to 40 finalists. Of the 40 finalists, 14 were from NJS!
Huge congratulations to our finalists who were all invited to the W100 yesterday for a presentation and the opportunity to watch some tennis: Maddie, Sabegh, Fleur, Elrin, Emily, Olivia, Rory, Francesca, Jack, Saul, Jacob, Lillie, Olivia and Beau.
NJS are very proud: we were the school with the largest number of finalists!
The top three pieces of artwork out of the forty were judged by tennis player Gabi Thomas who, when she retired from tennis, has gone on to become an artist. We were delighted that Olivia was third and won a months membership to The Shrewsbury Club!
We done all NJS children: it is something to be proud of that you produced art work for a competition. Thank you to Mrs Jukes and Ms Branton for organising an audience for our amazing art.

Just a reminder that we are always very happy to receive book donations! If your children grow out of books we would be very happy to use them in our school library, they can be brought to the office anytime.
Our Christmas Fair this year will not involve the sale of items; families have offered to donate games and toys but the ‘fair’ will take a different format this year with games and activities for the children in school. Thank you for the offer, if you can store them until the Summer fair we would be grateful for donations then!
Remembrance Concert

Our wonderful school choir have been invited to perform at the Burton Borough School Remembrance Concert!
If your child attends choir and would like to take part please provide consent on ParentPay by Tuesday 5th November.
Children who perform will need to wear full school uniform and meet NJS staff outside Burton Borough School at 5.30pm.
Families are welcomed to come and enjoy this concert. If you are not able to stay for the concert please collect your child from outside BBS at 7pm.
Cross Country Stars!
NJS were hugely proud to enable over 140 children to attend the Telford and Wrekin Cross Country event at Chetwynd Deer Park today!
Huge well done to all of the children, they were amazing and did NJS proud.
Thank you to our wonderful staff team who attended to enable any child who wanted to participate to do so.

We are looking for a ‘Money Wise’ sponsor… can you help?

We are reaching out to the community to ask whether a local business (especially a business linked to finance perhaps who needs to evidence corporate responsibility) may be interested in sponsoring some ‘money sense’ workshops for our children.
Families, schools and businesses have a responsibility to ensure our children are educated in ‘money matters’…. how money works, how to manage money and the language of money are essential for them to develop positive money habits for life.
We have recently met with Paul from Money Wise and would really like to offer his workshops and resources to our classes at NJS.
There would be a cost of £200 per year group for three workshops. Companies could sponsor one or all!
If you are or know of a business interested in working with us on this project please ask them to drop me an email nicola.moody@taw.org.uk
More information on Money Wise can be found here: https://pdflink.to/f965eddb/
Young Voices 2025! Opportunity for our school choir….
Annually NJS takes part in the Young Voices concert at Resorts World Arena Birmingham. We are delighted to be taking part again in 2025! https://www.youngvoices.co.uk/
Please find attached a letter with further details:
Young Voices 2025
Please ensure attendance is confirmed on ParentPay by 4th November and then we will raise a charge on ParentPay for the number of tickets you require.
Children in Need – Friday 15th November

Five Star Food Hygiene at NJS

Huge congratulations to our catering team: they have sustained their Hygiene Rating at 5!
We are, as always, very grateful to them all for all they do for NJS.
Have a lovely half term!
I am so pleased with how well the children have settled into this new academic year. The children have been exceptional: with their enthusiasm, hard work, and positive attitude they are a credit to NJS and their families.
We’ve packed a lot in: meet the teacher meetings, Faith Day, trips, cross country, clubs restarting, Harvest Festival, Mental Health Day, European Day of Languages, sports competitions and parents meetings! We definitely deserve half term!
Thank you to families for your continued support for NJS, we are passionate about what we do for your children and are very much looking forward to the rest of this academic year.
Have a lovely half term and we will see you on Monday 4th November.
Mrs M
PS If you are watching Strictly Come Dancing on the BBC Saturday night look our for me in the live TV audience! I am VERY excited!!

Five Star Cleaning Team!

Our amazing cleaning team had a whole site audit this week and achieved 5*
They do an amazing job and we are very grateful to them all.
After half term:
Monday: Year 5
Tuesday: Year 6
Please remember kits on your swimming day.
Our NJS Caretaker
Jamie is our amazing caretaker at NJS. He works incredibly hard and is a valued member of our team. He has even been joining us on school visits: here he is at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre with Year 3!

Do you know anyone who may like to join NJS September 2025?? Let them know about our Open Afternoon…

Bikeability – Reopened!
Due to low Bikeability numbers – we have reopened the sign up via ParentPay.
Please read the letter attached to ParentPay and then decide if Bikeability is suitable for your child.
For the 20 that have signed up – their letters and Bikeability consent forms are coming home with them tonight. If they do not bring the consent form back into school with them, then they will not be able to take part.
Many thanks
Mr M
National School Meals Week 2024; 11th-15th November – Competition
As part of National School Meals Week, T&W kitchens are running a competition.
The competition is for pupils to design their very own Build a Burger.
- This needs to be designed and drawn, then details of what is in or on the item – please see the attached template.
- The NJS school kitchen will choose a winner on Tuesday 5th November, and that burger will be on the menu on Tuesday 12th November 2024.
- The winner of our school’s entry to be sent into the main T & W kitchen, which will then be put into a main draw for “big” prizes.
Also that week (menu week 2) Friday’s lunch is changing to:
- Fish Fingers served on a Ciabatta Roll – with added lettuce, watercress or rocket, and accompaniments.
- Sweet Potato Fries
- Roasted Vegetable Couscous
- Big Salad Bar
- Fruit Jelly in your Belly
- Cheese & Crackers
Build a Burger Comp
Head teacher Awards 18th-24th October

Attendance Award 18th – 24th October

House Points 18th-24th October

Diary Dates 4th-8th November

Clubs; 4th-8th November