Yeah! We are ready to open the pool on Monday 8th April!
As explained on last weeks newsletter children are welcome to design a poster about safe use of the swimming pool; a winning entry will be chosen and this child will be able to cut the ribbon! Entries to Mrs M’s office by Thursday.
Outdoor pool party! On Monday if children would like to bring a pool party accessory to celebrate the occasion that would be great. Perhaps: pair of sunglasses, inflatable, armbands, suncap, swimming cap or a pair of trunks. Children will be able to put on their accessory for the opening event and should come to school in their uniform.
Next week we hope that all children will get a swim:
Monday – Year 4
Tuesday – Year 3
Wednesday – Year 6
Thursday – Year 5
Please remember your kit on your day: ALL children will be expected to wear a swimming cap.