NJS Remote Learning Offer

We are very proud of the Remote Learning Offer we have put in place across 12 classes within 24 hours of notice from the government.  The team have worked very hard this week and we hope ‘made a difference’ to your children.

Please be mindful that staff are coordinating the care and provision for numbers of children that continue to attend school as well as those who, in the interests of Public Health, learn from home at this time.

Some of you have asked for more/longer live lessons.  This is not possible at this time.  We are lucky to have the capacity to offer live lessons at all.  However staffing capacity does not allow us to increase this offer further.  In addition to this we believe, and this is supported by advice, it is not ‘healthy’ for the children to have extensive screen time and could very easily ‘diminish’ the impact of these sessions. (Please note most lessons will last around an hour however on some days they will be shorter and equally on some occasions longer.)

Please, if you haven’t had chance to read my letter from earlier in the week, take the time to look at this information about what you can expect and what you can access:

Letter re Jan and Feb plans


  • There is a teacher from each year group monitoring their email account each day ready for you to submit work for feedback.





  • We are continuing to follow our curriculum and work will be posted daily on the class pages on the website for the children to complete in their ‘Home Learning Books’.  Please encourage high standards of presentation in these books.
  • Members of the team will phone you at intervals throughout this period: hoping to maintain contact with your child to help to sustain good relationships with staff in school.
  • The staff are VERY committed and you will start to see other enrichment opportunities coming through for example Mr Parker resumes Live Reading sessions next week and Miss Jones has released her first baking video of this lockdown!

The DFE guidance yesterday requested that schools offer 4 hours of Remote Learning resources for all Key Stage 2 pupils per day.  We believe that with the Live Lesson, in addition to the depth of materials provided each day, if these are done as expected they are planned to and should take this duration of time.

We will issue a feedback questionnaire perhaps at the end of next week or the beginning of the following so we can review how this is going from a staff perspective and parent view.

In the meantime we hope that you will support the staff by engaging in this offer and supporting us, and your child, as you are able.

PLEASE REMEMBER: We appreciate for those who have children at home AND are working from home this is challenging.  As we stated earlier in the week you have our full understanding of this position.  Please do what you can when you can and most importantly look after the wellbeing of yourself and your child.

Mrs M

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