Start of Term….

CURRENTLY the guidance for ourselves from the Department of Education is that we return this week as planned.  We are therefore planning to hold our PD day on Monday and for all children to return on Tuesday as originally communicated before Christmas.

We will of course notify you should this position change,

Please can we remind you:

*Parents and carers MUST wear face masks (unless exempt) when on school site which includes drop off and collection of children.  We ask that you practise social distancing and keep 2m+ apart at all times.

*Children MUST NOT attend for school if they or a member of the household are symptomatic (cough, temperature or loss of taste or smell).  We ask that you arrange testing and inform the school as soon as a result is received.  In the meantime the household MUST isolate.

*Children MUST NOT attend for school if they have been asked to isolate as a contact of a positive case.

Please email between now and Tuesday if your child will not return to school for COVID related reasons.  Phones will reopen 8.30am on Tuesday for usual absence reporting.

Thank you all for your continued support as we work together to keep our NJS family safe.

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