Useful reminders for the last week of term!


Year 5: 8.45-8.55am Go straight to church

Year 3: You can wear a Christmas jumper today with your uniform!  Remember to pay for your Christmas dinner if you would like one: it’s today!

Year 5: Arrive at church no earlier than 6.15pm for your performance at 6.30pm.



Year 6: 8.45-8.55am go straight to church

Year 4: You can wear a Christmas jumper today with your uniform!  Remember to pay for your Christmas dinner if you would like one: it’s today!

Year 6: Arrive at church no earlier than 6.15pm for your performance at 6.30pm.



Year 5: You can wear a Christmas jumper today with your uniform!  Remember to pay for your Christmas dinner if you would like one: it’s today!

4J: Beech’s Base!  (The half who did not attend last week!) Remember your things!



Year 6: You can wear a Christmas jumper today with your uniform!  Remember to pay for your Christmas dinner if you would like one: it’s today!



WHOLE SCHOOL: Festive mufti and Christmas games to raise funds for the PTA in place of the Christmas Fair!  Suggested donation of £2.

END OF TERM!  We finish as usual at 3.15pm.