Y5 Welcome!

Mrs Jukes, Mr Parker and myself are all looking forward to welcoming your children back to school on Wednesday morning. We hope you have enjoyed a peaceful and enjoyable summer break.

On Wednesday morning, please could the children return to school with their water bottle, pencil case and P.E. kit. As it due to be hot for the rest of the week, please could children arrive in school with a sun hat and sun cream if necessary please.

Children can also bring a reading book of their choice with them if they wish.

This week in class, we will focus on the role of British Values in class. This will be  democracy in action when voting for School Council representatives and Worship Leaders and the Rule of Law when looking at behaviour expectations for the year.

Alongside this, we will of course be hitting the ground running with Maths, English and Reading in all 3 classes too.

We hope you and the children enjoy your final couple days of the holiday.

Mrs Jukes, Mr Parker and Mr Marsh