Year 3 / Class 3B reminder for tomorrow, and…

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please send your child in tomorrow (17th July) with a sturdy plastic carrier bag, so that we can give them completed class exercise books and display work / completed homework projects to take home.

Also, a reminder that it is Year 6 leavers Church Assembly on Thursday 18th July. Please take your child directly to church for 8.45am.

Also, a reminder of the Year 3 teachers’ last working days this week:

Mr Butler – Last day on Thursday

Mrs Pearson – Last day on Wednesday

Mrs Wheat – Last day on Friday

Mr Lawson – Last day on Friday

And finally, a huge THANKYOU to all of you, for your support this year – have a great summer holiday and see you in September!

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team