Year 3 Egyptian Day reminder

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that next week on Tuesday, the 23rd of January, year three will be taking part in their Egyptian day. They need to wear a simple Egyptian costume, which can easily be sourced by using an old pillowcase with holes, cutting for arms and head, and a piece of string to tie around their waist. Suitable white joggers or shorts could be worn to complete the costume.

Alternatively, an old piece of single sheet fabric could be used and arranged /worn, a bit like a Roman toga. Obviously, you also have the option to buy a costume from a shop if you would prefer to do this, or to create something a little more elaborate – e.g.: an Egyptian Pharaoh costume or Egyptian Gods costume.

Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any queries about the day.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

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