Year 3 lost belongings

Dear parents and carers,

As we are taking part in many activities which require children to change their clothes, please check that your child’s clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with their name and class, and that they have brought home their own clothing today.

3B Boys
Following swimming today, Dexter in 3B has had his trousers taken by another child. Please could all parents of 3B boys check their child’s trousers belong to them?

Swimming Kits

Harry in 3B has lost a swimming kit, in a royal blue bag. Please could you check to see that your child does not have this? If so please return it ASAP. Thank you.

Finally, we are searching for some Spider-Man wellies which have gone missing. Please return them if you find them and they do not belong to your child.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Year 3 team.