Year 3 PE kits, spellings, reading books and homework

Dear Parents,

We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3 and we hope that your child is settling in well!

Just to let you know that we are currently in the process of organising spelling groups, reading books and homework. This usually takes about a week, as we need to get to know your child in order to give them appropriately matched homework.

As we usually post spellings and messages on this website weekly, please check your emails regularly, as this is our main form of communication with parents.

Children should also have a Homelink book in their bags, which may contain letters, handwritten messages, PE dates or homework instructions etc. Therefore, please ensure that you check your child’s bag regularly for letters, particularly ones that need reply slips returning.

Normally, children will receive weekly spellings, tested on a day of their class teacher’s preference, plus an expectation to read with you at home, recording their efforts and your signature in their reading diary. There may also be a short additional homework piece, supporting their Maths or English class work. Children will receive an A4-sized orange homework book in which to complete this, which usually contains instructions that explain what to do.

Children will also be expected to practice selected times tables at home, using an online resource (Times Tables Rock Stars), for weekly checks in school. Your child will receive a personalised username and password for this resource during the next few weeks.

Finally, your child will be informed of their PE days by their class teacher. Please check Homelink books for this information. Generally, we would prefer children to bring their kit on a Monday and leave it in their locker until Friday, for maximum flexibility.

Hopefully, this is all clear – please speak with your child’s class teacher if you require any further information.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

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