Thank you all for your support yesterday when you received your phone calls; we really do appreciate it, it makes a difference to us.
Our very best wishes go to our staff member and to everyone in the bubble that they remain well.
All other household members can continue to attend for work/school/college etc. It is the Year 4 children who need to remain at home. Hopefully everything was explained in the letter you received yesterday but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you did NOT receive a ParentMail from me yesterday please can you make me aware by emailing with the email address you wish to use on ParentMail.
The team are issuing home learning this evening for tomorrow.
We will be in touch tomorrow with further information about our remote learning offer during this period. We will be offering some sessions for your child on Microsoft Teams: you may want to download the free App ready! If access to a laptop/ipad/device is going to be an issue for this period please can you drop me an email to let me know.
Thank you as always for your support, stay safe.