Year 5 Lichfield Trip!

Good morning everyone,

Next Monday (12.06.23), we will be heading to Lichfield Cathedral! Below you will find a few reminders about the trip taking place…

  1. Children will need to be at school for 8:15am for a prompt departure at 8:30am.
  2. Children will need to bring a packed lunch (FSM children will have lunch provided).
  3. With the warmer weather occurring, children will need to bring sufficient amounts of water. They may also wish to bring a hat (if we have lunch outside) and sun cream.
  4. We will be leaving at approximately 2:30pm and will be hopefully back at NJS for 3:30pm. We will bring the children inside and then dismiss them on the big yard (as normal). Please look for any messages on the school Facebook page with more accurate timings.
  5. As we are travelling further, could we ask that parents provide children with any anti-sickness medication they may need. Any that need taking before the return journey will be handed to their group leader, who will ensure they have the tablet etc at the correct time. Please place any medication in a clearly named box/envelope.

We are really looking forward to this trip! It will be a brilliant comparison to our recent trip to the Mosque.

Many thanks,

Mrs Ollerenshaw