Year 5 paper copies

Good afternoon Year 5 children and parents,

There is now a folder in the drop box by the main school gate labelled ‘Year 5 Home Learning Paper Copies.’ This is for families who do not have internet access and cannot view the home learning slides electronically. There is a pocket in the folder labelled with each day and subject for you to help yourself to. Please only take 1 copy per family.

We have tried our hardest this week to not set work which requires a printer and this will continue. We will try and always give an alternative idea if it cannot be helped.

Many thanks for your support and kind messages this week, they have been greatly received. We are so proud of how well the children (and parents!!) have already adapted to online learning and we are looking forward to seeing them virtually again next week.

Have a relaxing weekend and take care,

Love Miss H, Mr M & Mr L x

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