Year visit to Chetwynd Park

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder to parents to send their children appropriately dressed on Monday 8th October for our visit to Chetwynd Deer Park. We recommend the children come dressed for all weathers, including hats and gloves (if appropriate), rain proof coats and suitable footwear.

ALL children need to arrive at school wearing their Chetwynd clothing – school uniform is not necessary.

NB: – Please ensure your child has a change of footwear for the remaining day in school.

The children will eat their lunch as normal at school.

Children who are going in the afternoon will be leaving at around 12.30pm, to arrive at Chetwynd by 1pm. We should be back by 3:30pm latest. Please allow class teachers to take the children into class so they can dismiss from the usual place on the playground.

Finally, several children have not given permission slips back for the trip – please ensure that these arrive on Monday, so that your child can take part in the visit.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

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