Yr 4 Parents – Important MTC Info


Every year, children in Yr 4 across the nation will complete an official Multiplication Tables Check – MTC. This check is designed to assess whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12 x 12, which is essential for success in mathematics.

Children in Yr 4 have been learning their tables regularly, as part of the national curriculum and lots of hard work has been going into making sure they are ready to complete the MTC. Yr 4 staff have been setting challenges, making use of TTRS, singing songs, playing games and much more to ensure that children are as well prepared as they can be for the MTC.

The testing window will take place from Monday 5th June until Friday 16th June. Children will be completing the test in small groups using school iPads. Children have had opportunities to practise completing the MTC several times prior to the official check taking place so should feel comfortable with the set up.

If you would like to help support your child with this at home, please encourage the use of TTRS – this will have been set by the class teacher to target specific questions which the children can improve their recall on.

Help with tables at home – NJS You can also make use of some resources from this booklet which includes lots of tips to help your child with their fluent recall of all times tables.

We are very proud of our Yr 4 children and we know that they will all take this as an opportunity to shine in their maths, as they have been all year.

Please see the PDF Document attached which is put out by the Department for Education to inform parents about the MTC.  If you have any questions regarding the MTC Framework then please speak to a member of the Yr 4 teaching team, or to Mr Jones (Maths Lead)