Yr 6 Photography Workshop Reminder

A reminder that on Friday 24th May, Yr 6 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park for our Photography Workshop.

6K and half of 6J will be leaving straight after registration and returning to school for 12.30pm to eat lunch. 6B and the remaining half of 6J will leave school at 12.30pm after having lunch at 12pm at school.

Children are asked to bring a camera with them, however if this is not possible, there is the possibility to lend children an iPad from school, however these numbers are limited. If you are not able to provide a camera for your child, please contact your child’s class teacher who will make arrangements for an iPad.

All children will then need to enter their favourite photograph for competition. Please can these be sent via email to: max.jones9@taw.org.uk stating the child’s name.

The letter containing more information is attached for your reading.

Y6 Chetwynd Park Letter