Yr 6 Special Pre SATs Homework!

With SATs beginning on Monday, we wanted to give Yr 6 some ideas as to how they can relax and enjoy this weekend! There will obviously be no homework this week, but here is a Pre SATs Bingo that you may want to try and complete to prepare yourselves for the week ahead! We are looking forward to welcoming you all to breakfast club on Monday morning.


Take the dog for a walk


Speak to a family member on the phone.


Find the nearest park and play for 30 minutes.


Have a pyjama day.


Do 15 minutes of exercise



Do some baking.

Write down 3 things that you are proud of about yourself.  

Listen to your favourite music.



Have a lie in!


Watch your favourite film.


Help an adult do something in the house.


Speak to a friend on the phone.


Read a chapter of your book.


Sunbathe in the garden.



Be silent and still for 5 minutes.


Make 3 people laugh.