Home Learning – 12.02.21

Hello Year 4!

Just today to go and then you have February half term… you have all worked so hard since the start of the new year! We are proud of you all!

Some slight changes to the home learning today… With your guided reading and other topic we have decided to link Chinese New Year! The two separate activities are on the same slide. For the reading you will need to use the information provided on the slides or your own research. For the other activity, please choose one or more of the documents attached below. ENJOY!

Home Learning:

Friday 12th February PDF

Friday 12th February

Other Activity choices:

Chinese dragon to make

chinese new year word search

dragon mask outline

fortune telling Chinese dragon

We cannot wait to see what you all come up with today! Make sure you e-mail any work to njs.year4@taw.org.uk

Have a safe and happy half term everyone!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x