Year 3 Rehearsal for Sports Day this Friday 16th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 will complete their final rehearsal for Sports Day this week, on Friday 16th June. We aim to get outside first thing, while the weather is cooler.

Therefore, please send your child in, wearing their PE kit, with house team coloured T-shirts, plus sunhats and water bottles / sun cream already applied.

They will still need their usual school day items afterwards / change of clothing (school uniform in a bag) for the remaining day.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Transition visit to Chetwynd Deer Park

Year 3 enjoyed the company of their future school community when they made a visit together with Newport Infants Year 2 children to the Deer Park yesterday. Together, they took part in a variety of activities, including parachute games, natural art (see pictures), scavenger hunting, games and drawing. We all had a fabulous time and the sun did eventually come out!

Year 3 Messy Maths day Monday 5th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday 5th June, children in Year 3 will be joining the rest of the school to take part in several slightly ‘messier’ Maths-related activities in and around the school. These help to show the children the ‘real-world’ aspects of maths, which are often a little ‘messier’ and not always done at a desk in a classroom!

All equipment will be ready for children to use and they can wear school uniform as usual, but bear in mind they will be outside in the sunshine, so please take the usual precautions with suncream etc.

Please keep your eyes peeled for photos after the event!

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team (including Mr Butler again – see you tomorrow, 3B!)

Year 3 Parents’ Consultation Day Monday 20th March

Dear Parents and Carers,

In case you didn’t receive notification / a letter with reply slip, you are invited to make a 10 minute appointment to discuss your child’s progress, with their teacher, on Monday 20th March.

Year 3 teachers will be available to talk on the phone / Teams video call throughout the morning, and then in person from 1pm onwards, in the school hall.

Please contact your child’s class teacher asap, as appointment times are now more limited. Again, if you are unable to attend on Monday 20th, contact your child’s teacher to make alternative arrangements.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Class 3T

Dear Parents and Carers of 3T,

Following several requests for my email address, please find it below:

Should you need to contact me regarding school matters, please use this email.

Kind regards,

Mr Tipton

NJS Science Day 2023

Children and staff enjoyed a fabulous assembly today, led by Mr Lawson, our resident Science expert, on the subject of Solids, Liquids and Gases, watching how they can change state, the theme of this year’s Science Week!

Breaking solids

 Melting ice with Mr Leonard!

Making Elephant Toothpaste!