Year 3 Homework/Spellings

Please find below this weeks homework for spelling/handwriting practice.

Also attached is their eat-well food diary which needs completing over the weekend, ready for the children’s workshop on Monday 7th October. They have also brought home a copy of this today (4/10/24).

Week 5 spellings to send 2.10 Aut 1st half

Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Homework – Week 3; 20th – 25th September

Please find enclosed the Year 3 spellings and handwriting homework for this week.

We have both marked a number of homework books this week and have given them back to the children with these new spellings.

Week 3 Spelling Aut 1st half

Kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Homework Autumn 2024 1st half term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Autumn 1st half 2024 PDF

homework letter Autumn 2024 PDF

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Week 2 Spelling Aut 1st half

Today, Class 3B have brought home their homework books (orange A4-lined exercise book), which should contain homework instructions for this half term, their spellings for the week, and a ‘Spelling Menu’ spelling games sheet. Children will receive a new spelling sheet each week, to stick in their Homework books, to practice.

Each week, if children would like to receive marks and the possibility of house points for any weekly practice completed , they can bring in their books each week, on a Wednesday. See the instruction letter in their homework books for details.

Children also brought home a letter detailing the Homework expectations for Year 3, which should be folded inside their homelink book.

Separately to this, all year 3 girls should also have brought home a letter inviting them to consider joining the Year 3/4 Girls football team, starting in Spring Term.

CLASS 3M – you will be taking home your homework and any letters tomorrow, when Mr Moody returns to class in the morning.

Hopefully, this is clear. Please read the attached files carefully, which contain all the information you need, including submission dates and expectations.

Year 3 Homework and Spellings Summer 2nd Half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024 PDF

Year 3 Spellings Homework Summer 2nd half 2024

Please find attached this term’s Homework and Spellings for Year 3. If you require any further information, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Blooket weekend session

Good afternoon all,

I have managed to set up a blooket session for year 3 to join this weekend.

Following this link will give you access.

Fingers crossed it works, this is a work in progress.

Year 3 Spellings and Homework for this half term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2024

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Apologies for the lateness of this post – please try to complete as much as you can, over the next couple of weeks, leading up to Easter. Please can children complete any work in the Homework book they have been provided with.

If children would like to take some time over Easter to complete the short foundation project on Greta Thunberg, this is okay, however, any work completed before Easter and by the deadline of the end of Spring term will be awarded bonus house points!

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.