St Nicholas Messy Church

St Nicholas Church had only just begun coming into school to deliver Messy Church sessions before we had to go into lockdown. The children who participated really enjoyed their time.

The 4 links below take you to videos produced by the St Nicholas Church team called Messy Time. Each session contains some making activity, a song and a Bible story.

They hope you enjoy them. – Episode 1 – Episode 2 – Episode 3 – Episode 4


Summer Reading Challenge

Every summer term the library organises a reading challenge. Despite these unusual times they are still running their Summer Reading Challenge for all children to participate online.

Children can join via the website which is launched tomorrow and log their reads to unlock rewards.

Although this year’s theme “Silly Squad” has a focus on funny books children can log and read any books they want via the website.

Advice for parents regarding online safety.

During this time most of us are using the internet more than ever. Children and families are relying on the benefits the internet can provide. This advice sheet from the Home Office is to support parents in ensuring they are aware of some of the risks and challenges children may come across unless their digital diet is monitored and supervised.

Digital safety during COVID-19 pdf