Elsie’s VE Day Poem.

It was…

Crazy and fun music was playing everywhere neighbours were playing instruments loud.

Bunting and flags hanging from the houses brightly colured posters in the windows.

It was…

A warm sunny day on scooters and skate bords, dogs running wild.

Tables covered with delicious food, cakes scones, jam and cream, meeting new people we’d never seen.

It was…

The minutes silence at 11am and the Queen’s speech played at 3.

Delivering treats to all the neighbours, receiving of gifts and some favours.

It was…

So much fun and joy until it turned dark and the celebrations ended. ☹

The Hive Centre in Shrewsbury

#HiveHug is a campaign launched by The Hive arts centre in Shrewsbury to provide online creative content and activities to people during the covid-19 pandemic.
#HiveHug features music sessions, illustration exercises, photography courses, creative writing workshops and much more. Some of the content may be aimed more to younger siblings as well as older siblings and parents too!

Check out what has been released so far below.



Read with Mr R- Chapter 4

Hello again everyone, hope you had a lovely weekend. I hope you are keeping up with your reading. Remember to tune in and watch Miss Hardy read, she has another fantastic book on the go, The Explorer.

If you didn’t catch Mr Parker read a story by David Walliams last week, you missed a treat! It was so funny. Watch out for when he is on again.

Read with Mr R -Chapter 4