5OP Beeches Base

Please can children come into school in old clothes suitable for Beeches Base tomorrow.   Please be prepared for the weather.


5OP had a fantastic day learning and looking at the science of flight. They explored different designs and had a fabulous time making their gliders.

Year 5 Careers Fair!

This morning we had Luke Pollard in to talk to us about his career.  We were blown away to hear that Luke came to NJS and has gone on to win a gold medal in the Paralympic games in Paris 2024. This afternoon has been brilliant as we have had the chance to  talk to various visitors including the police, army, flight instructor, book illustrator and many more about their careers.


Safer Internet Day!

This year, the theme for SID 2925 is… Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
We started off the day with a whole school assembly before completing a range of tasks in the classroom. The focus in 5OP was PHISHING – what does it mean? How does it link to scamming? What are examples of phishing?

We had some great conversations about staging safe online generally and protecting ourselves from scamming/phishing. Well done 5OP!

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