4OP PE / Swimming Monday

Apologies – I have told the children that they are swimming on Monday.  It is NOT swimming on Monday, the children have PE on Monday.  Please can the children bring in their PE kits. Please kindly pass this message on.  Mrs Parker

5OP Illuminated letters in Clay

5OP have had a super art morning today! This half term we are learning about the artist William Morris.  He designed stained glass windows and became famous for designing wallpaper.  Last week the children designed an illuminated letter using William Morris as inspiration.  This week the children created a bas relief clay sculpture tile based on their designs from last week.


5M Computing

5M had a great day learning about Computer programming using crumbles.  They enjoyed making a sparkle box flash different colours, using a motor and using a push switch through the use of Crumble programming.  To conclude the day, the children designed and made a working model of a fairground carousel this demonstrated their understanding of how the microcontroller and its components were connected.

German Club Special Delivery!

A few weeks ago children in German club sent postcards to children in a German Primary School in a small town called Dreieichenhain, near Frankfurt. I will be very excited to hand out the Easter cards when clubs recommence!!