Year 5 Art

Reminder – Please could children bring in an old shirt to cover their school uniform for painting. 5PJ will be painting in school tomorrow.  5W and 5M will be painting in the next week or two so please could they bring an old shirt in and leave it in their locker ready.  Thank you!

Year 5 Art

Year 5 will be constructing small models of buildings in Newport as part of their art this half term.  This will also link to their history topic.  Please could children bring in small cardboard items such as cereal boxes and kitchen rolls in preparation for building the models.  Thank you! Year 5 Team.

Year 5 Blist Hill

Year 5 had a fabulous day learning all about the life of the Victorians.

5PJ Pet Day

5PJ have had a fabulous day learning about Shetland ponies, hedgehogs, dogs, corn snakes, chameleons, guinea pigs and many more …


5PJ enjoyed learning how to use Crumble programming.  They made a carousel ride that used a motor to spin and a sparkle box to light up.

5PJ Art

5PJ have enjoyed learning about  the artist Sonia Delauney and how her work changed over the years.  The children have enjoyed designing and making a cape in the style of Sonia Delauney.


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