Year 5 PE

Good Afternoon ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hopefully you have all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for summer term.

Please can I remind all children that PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and can be taken back home again on a Friday.

Tomorrow, 5N and 5OP will have PE so please remember your kit!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜Š

Year 5 team x

Year 5 Homework

Good Afternoon,

Following several queries about Year 5 Homework, I would just like to clarify that the homework sheet handed out in January is ongoing for the entire Spring Term.ย 

We have not sent out any spelling words to practice this half-term but children can continue to practice their Year 5/6 spelling words and handwriting as much as they feel necessary (these are the spellings that they already have throughout their homework book).

Please can we ask that homework books are handed in next week by Thursday 30th March.

Have a lovely weekend!

Year 5 team ๐Ÿ™‚

Spring homework year 5

Space homework ideas year 5 spring term

Parents and Carers of children in 5W/N

Good Evening,

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me on ๐Ÿ˜Šย 

Many Thanks,

Mrs Naylor

5W at Beech’s Base 01/03/23

5W had a fabulous time at Beech’s Base yesterday! We started the morning by completing some science experiments which link to our new topic of ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’. We then had free time which involved lots of den-building, mud-digging, pond-dipping and bird-feed filling fun!!

The children noticed lots of frogspawn in the pond at Beech’s Base and we have decided to check on the progress and development approximately once per week – watch out for updates!

After lunch, we read some of our class story around the fire and made s’mores. To end the day, we completed a tricky orienteering course around the school. Super fun day!

5W Beech’s Base

Good Morning,

Children in 5W will be attending Beech’s Base tomorrow (Wednesday 1st March).

Please could children arrive at school in suitable clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear:

    • Old Clothing – long sleeves and trousers please.
    • Gloves – if possible.
    • Waterproof clothing (if you have it!)
    • Wellies/Outdoor footwear – these will be changed into when we are outside the classroom.

Please can children also bring spare clothes (including spare socks!) to change into just incase they end up very wet and/or muddy!ย 

If you have any questions, please email me:

Many Thanks,

Miss Naylor



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