Homework for 20th November 2019

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Equivalent fraction worksheet to be completed. Sheets separated in to 1*/2*/3*

1* Find equivalent using the fraction wall for support.

2* Find equivalent fractions using the shown method

3* Solve the equivalent fraction problems

Yr6 spellings due 13th November

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:

medicine possess
special though
weight earth
famous length
surprise ordinary

Yr6 homework due Wednesday 13th November

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm. Please encourage your child to read at home!

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the compound/complex sentence activity

2/3* Complete the activities on sheet: rewrite sentences in section A to turn them in to compound sentences using the conjunction word bank; identify the main clause and the subordinate clause in section B; and insert commas in to the sentences in the correct position in section C
Compound and Complex Sentences Worksheet LA

1* Re-write the sentences to create compound sentences using the conjunction word bank.
compound sentences 1 star

6S homework due Thursday as only receiving on Monday due to not being handed out

Yr6 spellings due 23rd October

To support with understanding definitions for spellings, the ‘Collins children’s Cobuild dictionary’ is a very useful tool.

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty. All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
calendar complete
describe different
women through
strange probably
sentence suppose

Year 6 homework due 23rd October

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the division maths homework – children will choose either the 1*, 2* or 3* challenge to practise division.
1* Use multiplication grid to support short division.
2* Use short division
3* Use a combination of short and long division.

Y6 spellings due 16th October

Due to the changes in the Literacy curriculum children in Year 6 are expected to be secure with all KS2 spellings. There will be no choice of spellings, in terms of degree of difficulty.

All children, of all abilities, need to learn the following for next week:
actually extreme
certain height
history imagine
increase island
important accident

Y6 homework due 16th October

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete maths activity – column multiplication – solve questions using formal method
Maths activity comes as 1*/2*/3* children have made decisions about appropriate challenge.
1* activity is practising times table facts.
2/3* is using column multiplication method.

Can all children please bring in one piece of fruit or a vegetable? We are creating a large scale portrait, in the style of Acrimboldo, as part of our Harvest celebration. The fruit or the vegetable needs to be in school by Tuesday please.

Y6 netball team

A reminder for netball tournament tomorrow.

We are leaving at 2pm and games start at 2.30pm. The tournament will finish at 5.30pm. Children need PE kits and trainers, as well as warm clothing for between matches. I highly recommend that children bring a water bottle and an extra healthy snack for energy – they have 4 games to play.

You may want to consider a waterproof in case it rains between matches also as games rarely get called off.

Thank you.