Y6 photography workshop

For any children who haven’t already returned permission slips please do so as the workshop is on the first day back after half term.

Children attending Deer Park will need to be in school uniform, with sensible walking shoes, a water bottle and a camera.

It is advisable to check weather before arriving at school as sun cream and a hat may needed, or conversely a raincoat may be required.

Y6 half term homework

6S and 6J only:

As a school we are pleased to again enter this year’s carnival procession. The theme for Newport’s 2019 Carnival is ‘Past, Present & Future’. As it is 50 years since man landed on the moon, we thought it would be a super starting point to combine both the celebration of the past, with ideas for the future of space.

We would like the children to make something that will attach to, stick/tape to, or hang from our float. This may be a spacecraft, rocket, planet, solar system, alien, an astronaut or an idea for the future of space.

It can be as big as you can manage, as they will all hopefully be attached to our float and people of course people watching the procession need to be able to see all the creations.

Please bring in to school after half term so we can start to collate them for the carnival.

Many thanks!

6K – you are working on assembly play scripts over the half term as directed by Mrs Kerr.

We hope everyone has a very enjoyable half term!

Yr6 homework due Wednesday 8th May

Children to read at least 3 times with an adult and the adult to sign homework book. children to record their comments for all reading entries.

Children to revise spellings in their homework book for all spellings learned this school year.

Children to complete SPAG questions, reading the questions carefully.

Children to complete either the 1* or 2* maths arithmetic questions. Children will have made their own choice on the appropriate challenge.

Yr6 homework due Monday 29th April

Read at least 3 times per week and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Revise spellings in homework book. We have gone through all spellings for KS2. I would encourage children to focus on words that are still tricky to spell.

Encourage children to use times table rockstars

Children to complete Maths booklet – Ten for Ten – ten questions to be completed per day over a 10 day period. If any support is required refer your child to www.mathsisfun.com and worked models and activity questions are available.

We hope everyone has a very enjoyable Easter break and a well deserved break! Happy Easter from the Year 6 team!

Yr6 homework due 10th April

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Revise spellings in homework book. We have gone through all spellings for KS2. I would encourage children to focus on words that are still tricky to spell.

Encourage children to use times table rockstars

Children to complete maths homework on area and perimeter. Children will choose an appropriate challenge: 1*, 2* or 3*.

Yr6 homework due 3.4.19

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Children to complete the Reading 10 minute task – please support us and ensure they are only given 10 minutes to complete.

Encourage children to use times table rockstars

Yr6 homework due 27th March

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Children to complete the SPAG 10 minute task – please support us and ensure they are only given 10 minutes to complete.

Complete the maths activity on measures and conversions.
***/** Complete the questions showing accurate conversions – range of measures
* Complete the questions showing accurate conversions (one litre = 1,000ml)