Dear parents/carers,

Please note that letters about Roman Day with David Cadle on Monday 9th December were uploaded to ParentPay at the start of term. Please ensure that you have checked this and given permission.

We have attached a copy of the letter here. Please re-read as it contains important information about the day.

Many thanks,

Year 4 team

Roman David Cadle Letter – 09.12.24

Year 4 play costumes letter

Costume Letter – Year 4

Please find attached the letter that has been sent home today with all children. Please note that children who were absent on Monday and do not yet have a part will be given one when they return to school. Many thanks.

Year 4 spellings week 11 12 13

Please use any of your spelling homework time over the next few weeks to do the following:

  • Recap the autumn term spellings (these can be found on the Year 4 page of the website, in the spellings section)
  • Practise words/songs for the Christmas play (children will know their roles on Monday next week)
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