3PW Beech’s Base

3PW will be at Beech’s Base on Tuesday 19th March.

Remember to come to school wearing warm outdoor clothing suitable for the forest (including wellies/boots/old trainers). Please remember to bring a spare pair of shoes for wearing inside during the day.

Many thanks.

3PW Beech’s Base

3PW will be at Beech’s Base on Tuesday 19th March.

Remember to come to school wearing warm outdoor clothing suitable for the forest (including wellies/boots/old trainers). Please remember to bring a spare pair of shoes for wearing inside during the day.

Many thanks.

3T / 3PW reminders: week beginning 19.02.24

We are really looking forward to seeing you for our first week together after half term!

Here are a few reminders for the week:

Monday: PD Day – no school for you!

Tuesday: Mrs Pearson day. Library day.

Wednesday: Mrs Pearson day. PE day.

Thursday: Mrs Wheat day

Friday: Mrs Wheat day. PE day.

Enjoy your half term and see you soon.

Love Mrs P and Mrs W xxx