6J Summer Fayre Product

At the summer fayre on Thursday, 6J will be selling personalised bag tags!

These can be attached to a number of items such as school bags, pencil cases, key rings or clothing zips.

These have all been made by the children in 6J and feature different words, phrases or coloured patterns.

These will be on sale for £1.50 per tag, or 2 for £2. A selection of the tags can be seen in the image below.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Current Yr 6 Swimming Gala Reminder

A reminder for the current Yr 6 children; tomorrow is the swimming gala for GREEN & YELLOW house. Please bring your swimming kit with you to school.

We will be walking to the pool so please keep an eye on the weather in case rain coats are needed.

Messy Maths Day

A huge thank you to the staff for their support with Messy Maths Day at NJS. The aim of today was to show children that the maths we learn in school has real-life, practical use outside of the classroom.

Yr 3 spent time looking at position, directions and shape out on the school field. They also spent time looking at coins and how to give change correctly.

Yr 4 spent the morning looking at budgeting in finance. How did they choose to spend their £1,000?

Yr 5 got to draw on the tables! Lines were used to create intersecting angles which children then measured, as well as looking at angles around school.

Yr 6 worked with Mr Yates – a local accountant – who introduced the children to the concept of profit and loss. A farming scenario allowed children to see how money can be made through a process including taxes and investments.

Hopefully the children enjoyed the day and realised that Maths is all around them in life. Please keep an eye on your year groups’ website area to see individual photos from today.


Yr 6 Deer Park Entries – Reminder!

Please can we remind Yr 6 children that the deadline for submitting their Deer Park photo is Friday 9th June.

Any entries after this date will not be submitted.

Please see our previous website post for relevant information:

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children submit their best photo from the Deer Park Event asap.

We need these to be in electronic form so we can perform a WeTransfer of all the photos.

Please send your photo to your class teacher via email:




The deadline for entries is Friday 9th June

Yr 6 Messy Maths Day

NJS will be holding our Messy Maths Day on Monday 5th June.

Can we ask that Yr 6 children come to school in PE kit for this day as some of our activities will be linked to maths within sport. This will involve children carrying out physical exercise for parts of the day. If you wish to bring a spare change of clothes for after the activities, then please feel free to do so.

Everything the children need will be provided within school.

We are very much looking forward to showing children how their maths within school can be put in practice in real life, including some future careers.

Yr 6 Deer Park Photo Entries

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children submit their best photo from the Deer Park Event asap.

We need these to be in electronic form so we can perform a WeTransfer of all the photos.

Please send your photo to your class teacher via email:




The deadline for entries is Friday 9th June.

Yr 6 Deer Park – Camera Reminder

Please can we remind you that Yr 6 children are attending the Deer Park on Wednesday for a photography workshop. We will be leaving school at 9am prompt and returning to school by 12:30pm.

Where possible, we ask that children bring their own camera. We have a limited supply of camera/iPads within school, but certainly not enough for every child. If not enough children are able to bring their own camera, children may have to share a device.

Many thanks,

Yr 6 Photogrpahy Workshop

On Wednesday 24th May, Yr 6 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park to participate in a photography workshop.

We will be walking from school to the deer park and must arrive before 09:30am so we ask that children are in school promptly that morning for a 9am departure.

We will be arriving back at school just after 12pm so will eat lunch back at school.  Children can be hot dinners or packed lunch as normal.

The children will be working with a photographer who will show them photography techniques before they have the freedom to explore the deep park and capture images.

Each child will then select their favourite image to submit for the Newport Show competition, with prizes on offer for the winners.

We ask that children bring their own camera for this visit. In the event that a child does not have access to a camera, we have a limited supply in school that we can lend for the day.

Strictly no mobile phones to be used for the visit. 

Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions about this visit.



Yr 4 Parents – Important MTC Info


Every year, children in Yr 4 across the nation will complete an official Multiplication Tables Check – MTC. This check is designed to assess whether children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12 x 12, which is essential for success in mathematics.

Children in Yr 4 have been learning their tables regularly, as part of the national curriculum and lots of hard work has been going into making sure they are ready to complete the MTC. Yr 4 staff have been setting challenges, making use of TTRS, singing songs, playing games and much more to ensure that children are as well prepared as they can be for the MTC.

The testing window will take place from Monday 5th June until Friday 16th June. Children will be completing the test in small groups using school iPads. Children have had opportunities to practise completing the MTC several times prior to the official check taking place so should feel comfortable with the set up.

If you would like to help support your child with this at home, please encourage the use of TTRS – this will have been set by the class teacher to target specific questions which the children can improve their recall on.

Help with tables at home – NJS You can also make use of some resources from this booklet which includes lots of tips to help your child with their fluent recall of all times tables.

We are very proud of our Yr 4 children and we know that they will all take this as an opportunity to shine in their maths, as they have been all year.

Please see the PDF Document attached which is put out by the Department for Education to inform parents about the MTC.  If you have any questions regarding the MTC Framework then please speak to a member of the Yr 4 teaching team, or to Mr Jones (Maths Lead)