Year 6 Non Arthog Day 2

Just a reminder for Year 6 children that tomorrow is our walk to Greggs.

The first group (6J and 1/2 of 6B) will be leaving school around 9.30am and returning before lunch time so children can select a packed lunch or hot dinners as normal. The second group (6K and 1/2 of 6B) will be leaving after lunch and returning before the end of the day.

Children are expected to be in school uniform tomorrow, but we ask that they arrive to school in outdoor footwear, as we anticipate the park/field being quite muddy. We also ask that children bring a waterproof coat in case of rain.

Just a reminder that children do not need to bring any money with them as the school are kindly paying for the childrens’ food.

We are looking forward to another brilliant day with the Year 6 children!


Year 6 Wrekin Trip

Just a reminder for Year 6 children that we are visiting The Wrekin on Monday as part of our on-going Geography curriculum.

We will be leaving school at 9:15am and returning to school after lunch. We will be eating our lunch at the top of the Wrekin so please remember your packed lunch, including plenty of fluids – if you are in receipt of free school meals then these have been offered to the children.

Please wear suitable outdoor clothing, we suggest bringing a waterproof jacket and sensible, outdoor footwear suitable for muddy condition – we do not recommend wellies!

We are really looking forward to the trip!


Year 6 Swimming reminder

Can we please remind parents that children need to bring their swimming kit to school every Monday. We have had a number of children not bringing their kit and unable to swim. Swimming is a vital part of the Year 6 P.E. curriculum.

Children should be bringing their swimming costume/trunks, plus a towel, swimming cap and goggles if required.

Thank you,

Year 6 team.

6J Love to Stay Reminder

Reminder for 6J on Monday

– Be at school for no later than 8.20am on Monday (ideally be here for 8.15am so you are ready!!)

– Arrive at school in your ‘dry outdoor clothes’

– Bring with you a change of clothes for your wet activities (think beach wear, avoid baggy items as these won’t be suitable for the water)

– You will need to bring your own towel, plus a change of footwear (old trainers or wet suit shoes are fine) and a bag to put your wet clothes back into

– Bring a packed lunch (you may want a bit extra for energy) If you are having a school meal this will have been arranged.

– We are expected back at school around 4.30pm