Year 6 Home Learning 20.01.21

Morning Y6.

Attached is your English, Maths and Reading activities for Wednesday 20th January. Miss Sherry will be doing some MFL work with you live on Teams. There is also a YouTube link for the latest instalment of Miss Sherry reading The Lost Diaries of King Henry VIII’s Executioner.

Well done to those of you who have been sending in your work to the Year 6 email, we have seen some FANTASTIC examples of your hard work.

Have a great day!
Literacy Day 3
Maths Day 3
Reading Day 3

Y6 Home Learning 19.01.21

Good Morning Y6,

Here are your Literacy, Maths, Art and Reading tasks for Tuesday 19th January. There is also a maths help sheet for those that had asked for one. You should find some useful pointers and examples on the maths slides if you are unsure.

Have a wonderful day, well done for ALL your AMAZING hard work so far during this lockdown, all the staff at NJS are so proud of you!

Literacy Day 2
Maths Day 2
Portrait Drawing lesson2
Prompt sheet for mult & div fractions
Reading Day 2

Year 6 Home Learning 18th Jan

Good Morning Y6. We hope you had a wonderful weekend?

Here is your Home Learning for today: English, Maths, History & Reading and a short Mindfulness task.

Remember to send any questions, pieces of work or examples of what you did over the weekend to for some teacher feedback.

Have a great day!

Lesson 1 18.01.21 
Maths Day 1
week 3 To understand historical vocabulary
Monday 18.01.21 (Reading Task)

NJS Top Rockers

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I am completely amazed at how hard you are all working at home, especially on Times Table Rock Stars – having looked through the data this morning I was so pleased with how well you are doing I wanted to share it with the whole school.

The powerpoint below is a leader board for the top 10 rockers in each year group, plus the top 10 leader board for the whole school! Some of your rock speeds are absolutely incredible….

Remember, it isn’t all about speed – I will also be uploading results for those with the greatest accuracy as well as those children are who collecting the most coins through their time on the app! Keep your eyes on the website in the coming weeks…

I am sure Mrs Moody will be happy to mention this in tomorrow’s celebration assembly!

Another huge well done to you all!

Mr J

Times Table Rock Stars – NJS’ Top

Beliefs & Values – Creation Challenge

Mr J would love for you to have a go at our Beliefs & Values creation challenge.


This art challenge has been created by Lichfield Diocese and is based all around the creation of the Earth. Follow the links on the word document for more information.

There are lots of activities for you to try out, I really like the paper plate idea and would love you to have a go at creating your own!

Please email any pictures of your work to me to take a look at:

Stay safe,

Mr J