Year 4 Lunch and Learn

REMINDER: Lunch and Learn sessions are taking place 11am-12.30pm on Thursday for 4OP and Friday for 4N.  We are looking forward to seeing you!

On arrival at school we will take payment for your adult meal if you are having one: the cost is £3.12 (set by catering not ourselves!).  If you can possibly have the exact money this would really help us.

Please can we ask parents/carers to complete the following feedback form after they have attended Lunch and Learn:

We hope these are enjoyable and beneficial sessions and we thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Be Bright Be Seen: FRIDAY!!!!

Just a reminder that Friday is ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ day!!

We are asking all children to wear one very bright item to school on Friday!

This could be: a hi vis jacket, an illuminous hair bobble or pair of socks, a bright t shirt in place of their white one or a reflector badge/keyring.

There is no charge… this is to raise awareness for Travel Telford’s message this term around the importance of pedestrians being visible to drivers especially as darker evenings are now setting in.

At 8.20am on Friday morning a ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ walking bus will be leaving Shuker Field Car Park for NJS with Travel Telford.  The media team will also be there filming and photographing our efforts to encourage safe and active school travel. (Please note parents/carers need to remain with their child for the walk to school)

Thank you for your support.