4M Wednesday

Could all 4M children come into school on Wednesday in an old t-shirt or apron for Art on Wednesday. If at all possible, please could the children also bring in any old newspapers to cover the tables. We have some but not much!

Thanks! Mr Marsh

4M Beech’s Base and Raising Aspirations

Just a gentle reminder for 4M to come in their Forest clothes tomorrow please for Forest School in the afternoon with Miss Lockwood.

In more exciting news, Mr Marsh has been busy purchasing all the ingredients for the Traybakes that the children are going to be making all day on Wednesday. We can’t wait to sell you our Mint Aero/Chocolate Orange/Malteser Traybakes. Traybakes will be £2 per piece or 2 for £3. We definitely want to be the winning class come Thursday afternoon!

Newport Food Save and Share

4 children and Mr Marsh visited the Food Hub in Newport this morning. The children learnt an awful lot about where food comes and the amount of work that goes in by the volunteers to prepare it each Monday. A special mention has to go to Fiona who gave us a tour, allowed the children to explore and ask as many questions as possible and set up the visit up. It was a fantastic morning.

New Teacher Contacts

Good evening,

It was great to have transition day today and meet the new classes. Your children were amazing! If you wanted to get in contact with your child’s new (or in some cases, the same) class teacher, our email addresses are:




Thanks for your support as always!

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Y4 Sports Day Rehearsal

Y4 will have their final run through for Sports Day tomorrow morning (Thursday). Could the children come to school please in their P.E. kit. We will be going out when it is coolest and all children will be sitting in the shade when they are not competing.

Please can the children come to school with a full water bottle, a sun hat and suncream applied please.

Thanks for your support,

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mr Parker.

Y4 Swimming Gala Yellow and Green

Just a few reminders for Swimming Gala tomorrow for Year 4.

We will be leaving NJS at 1.20pm, walking to the pool – the children need to be dressed appropriately. Our swimming time is 2-3pm, you as parents are then welcome to come along and support your child on their given teams date. Children can then be picked up directly from the pool, after their swimming galas. We request that only one adult per child attends to watch the galas – and no photos or video footage to be taken.

The pool have also requested that parents do not arrive too early, another school has the session before us and parents will not be allowed to enter until 2pm due to safeguarding requirements.

Kindest regards

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mr Parker