Y4 Swimming Gala Red and Blue House

Just a few reminders for Swimming Gala tomorrow for Year 4.

We will be leaving NJS at 1.20pm, walking to the pool – the children need to be dressed appropriately. Our swimming time is 2-3pm, you as parents are then welcome to come along and support your child on their given teams date. Children can then be picked up directly from the pool, after their swimming galas. We request that only one adult per child attends to watch the galas – and no photos or video footage to be taken.

The pool have also requested that parents do not arrive too early, another school has the session before us and parents will not be allowed to enter until 2pm due to safeguarding requirements.

Kindest regards

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mr Parker

Y4 Messy Maths Day

Y4 will be doing something a little bit different tomorrow as we look at the practicalities of life for Messy Maths Day! The children will focus on budgeting, saving and thinking about how to spend money wisely in their activities across the day. It will also reward problem solving and excellent teamwork. Look out for photos across the day on the school website.

Activities will mostly be outdoors so just making sure that children have got suncream on and hats if they wish but normal uniform otherwise.  We are looking forward to what should be an exciting day.

Mr Marsh, Mrs Jukes and Mr Parker.

Y4 Multiplication Check

Once the children return to school after half term, the testing window for the Year 4 MTC will be open.

The testing window will take place from Monday 5th June until Friday 16th June. Children will be completing the test in small groups using school iPads. Children have had opportunities to practise completing the MTC several times prior to the official check taking place so should feel comfortable with the set up.

If you would like to help support your child with this at home, please encourage the use of TTRS – this will have been set by the class teacher to target specific questions which the children can improve their recall on.

Help with tables at home – NJS You can also make use of some resources from this booklet which includes lots of tips to help your child with their fluent recall of all times tables.

We are very proud of our Yr 4 children and we know that they will all take this as an opportunity to shine in their maths, as they have been all year.

If you have any questions regarding the MTC Framework then please speak to myself (Y4 Maths Lead) or to Mr Jones (Whole School Maths Lead)

Y4 Trip Reminders

For the Y4 Spring Explorers Trips tomorrow, just a few reminders so that the children are ready to have a good day!

  • Children to be in school promptly tomorrow if they are in 4J or 4P ready to leave NJS at 9am.
  • Suitable outdoor clothing for the Deer Park (wellies and old clothing)
  • Spare trainers to wear when they are at school.
  • A packed lunch for an easier lunch time – this is for all 3 classes.

Thanks very much for your continued support.

Mrs Jukes, Mr Marsh and Mr Parker