5M Recently

As Easter approaches, here are some action shots from the last two weeks in class. It has been another busy term for both the children and myself! Have a great Easter and see you all in two weeks.

5M Down Syndrome Awareness Day

Here is our photos of our favourite socks, raising awareness for World Down Syndrome Day and also hoping to #endthestereotypes.

Ziva in particular has gone above and beyond this week to raise awareness – she has been an inspiration and I am so proud of her.

Henry 5M Hockey

Below is a picture of Henry with his hockey team on Friday evening!

Please remember that if you have any good football/dance/cricket/horse-riding or any hobbies pictures of the children, please send them to me thomas.marsh@taw.org.uk as we will definitely look at them in school and talk about it!


5M Blind Football

5M had a PE lesson today with a twist today. They were introduced to the complexities of Blind Football. It’s fair to say a lot of children found it very difficult and it definitely made them appreciate being able to see what they were doing!


Y5 Dome Day Tomorrow

Please could parents go on ParentPay to agree to tomorrow’s experience  Consent is needed for all children due to the lighting and the nature of the experience. We currently have over 20 children where permission has not yet been granted for the Solar System Planetarium. Any issues, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Y5 Science Dome Wednesday and Reminders

Due to a change of timings Wednesday, 5J will NOT need to be in school early now. All 3 classes will have their dome experience during the school day.

As a reminder, for tomorrow only, Year 5 will be Swimming. From next week onwards, Swimming will be on a Monday.


Y5 P.E Schedule Spring 2

For the first week back only, Swimming will be on a Tuesday. For the remainder of the half term, it will be on a Monday.

Monday – Y5 Swimming

Tuesday – Y5 P.E.

5M’s new date for their Forest Afternoon will be Friday 1st March. This has been changed due to an earlier date clash.




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