4PW gymnastics

4PW have worked incredibly hard since November in gymnastics, learning new skills every week. Today they did their final performances of the routines that they have been working on, and they were all absolutely fantastic!


Please can you check at home in case anyone has accidentally taken home a coat that isn’t theirs this afternoon. The make is Gerry and it is black and bright pink reversible.  It has Smeaton written on the label. Many thanks.

Year 4 reminders WC 10/02/25

Please note: Friday is MUFTI as well as a film afternoon, and the PTA charge is £2. Sorry!

Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential

Please can we ask that all medical forms and behavioural contracts are brought back into school ASAP – by Friday 14th Feb at the latest. We are now being chased by the team at Manor Adventure who are trying to make arrangements for our children.

Please send them to the school office.

Thank you

Mr M