4PW – Times Tables TTRS Heatmaps

Dear 4PW Parents and Carers,

By the end of the week, your child will come home with an updated TTRS heatmap in their homelink diaries. This shows the amazing progress we have all been making with our times tables recall! Please keep practicing as much as you can at home (not just TTRS, writing out in your homework book or chanting them on your daily dog walk – whatever works for you!). We are continuing daily times tables practice in school too.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Mrs P and Mrs W 🙂

Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential Meeting for Parents

On Wednesday 22nd January at 3.20pm I will be holding a parents meeting for parents of the children who have signed up for Manor Adventure.

At this meeting parents will be given details of the residential, a parent/child residential contract, kit lists and medical forms. You will also find out about the adults going and what we are taking part in whilst we are there!

Mr M