Home Learning – 01.02.21

Good morning Year 4,

We cannot believe that we are already in February! We hope that you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a new week of home learning. Keep up the great work you have been producing and sending our way. If you haven’t made it onto a teams session yet, maybe try one this week? We would love to see everyone!

Monday 1st February PDF

Monday 1st February

See you on Teams!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

TTRS Champions

A HUGE well done to all those children have battled for their classes in this week’s TTRS Year Group Battle.

Well done the 3P, 4NJ, 5L & 6J who have been crowned the Year Group Champions after their victory – some FANTASTIC individual efforts from children, gaining an extraordinary amount of coins!

Keep your eyes on the school website for the next battle which won’t be too far away…… and will be a little different this time!

Mr J

29.01.21 – Reading Resource

Good afternoon everyone!

I have been preparing for the live lesson on TEAMs tomorrow, which will be reading. The children will be creating a reading cube (We will explain during the session tomorrow). To complete the activity, I have attached a powerpoint below with some reading questions. This may help the children when completing the task!

GR – Questions PDF

Have a lovely Friday!

Miss Jones x