Beech’s Base – W/B 11th July

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all ok. Next week the following classes will be attending Beech’s Base:

Monday 11th July: 6B

Wednesday 13th July: 3P

We are going to trial the whole class going for the Morning and Afternoon sessions as the weather is warmer 🙂

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing – long sleeves and trousers no matter the weather please.
  • Gloves – even though the weather is warmer, these are useful to protect from splinters.
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into including spare socks just incase they get overwhelmed in mud/water! Uniform not required on this day.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Year 6 swimming

Year 6 have been reminded today that they will continue swimming for this half term on Monday 13th June. All children need to remember their swimming costume, towel, swimming cap and goggles.
The year 6 team

Last call for Yr 6 Photos

The deadline for entries for the Yr 6 photography competition is tomorrow – Friday 10th June!

Out of the 90 children that attended the trip to the Deer Park, only 29 have returned their photo!

Any entries not in school tomorrow morning will not be entered!

Any outstanding pictures can be emailed to or alternatively can be bought into school on a device for us to take off.

Many thanks,

Yr 6

Yr 6 Leavers’ Hoodies

Year 6 have received their leavers’ hoodies today, a huge thank you to our wonderful PTA for their efforts in fundraising over the last 12 months. We would like to remind the children of the messages they heard today:

  • The hoodies can be worn in replacement of your green jumper
  • Green jumpers MUST be kept as they are required for the occasional event before you leave (class photo day etc)
  • No hoods to be worn during school at any point.
  • Be sensible with the weather: please do not wear your hoody when it is particularly warm.
  • Please ensure they are washed regularly

The children look amazing and are all very happy with their new hoody!

Best wishes,

Year 6 team