Earth Day Final Call

After receiving lots and lots of entries for the pumpkin and sunflower growing competition, showing the weights of the pumpkins via scales and the sizes of the sunflowers with tape measures etc – the deadline for entries is end of the school day on Wednesday (22nd). I will be announcing the winners during celebration assembly on Thursday (23rd!)

Many children have sent the confirmed images into school showing the scaled weight and the measured height as they would like to continue the growth of their plants – this we fully understand.

If their are any more entries then please send them directly to me via email;

Mr M

Welcoming the very first children to Beech’s Base ….

Hi All

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow we will be inviting the very first children to Beech’s Base. These will be the children who were awarded a Head Teacher’s Award last week. Hopefully you received your invite outlining what you need to bring but here is a brief reminder:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Old clothing (Even though the forecast is looking warm children need to wear trousers and long sleeved tops to ensure they have a layer of protection from brambles and nettles)
  • Packed Lunch
  • Your invite (If you have it!!)
  • Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will change after their session, this can be into another pair of old clothes and footwear rather than uniform to save it getting muddy!

In addition to this we are hoping to invite classes as soon as possible, thank you for being patient. We have had some delays to the completion of the site due to supply issues but are hopeful the finishing touches will be all sorted soon!

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

COVID Update

Year 6 Parents and Carers,

I am emailing to advise you that a Year 6 pupil has tested positive for COVID and has been in school this week.

It is the role of Track and Trace to identify and communicate with contacts rather than the school.

If you are contacted by Track and Trace you will be advised to take your child for a PCR test.  In this situation, unless symptomatic, your child can attend for school whilst they await a result.

Please can you all be vigilant for symptoms in your children and if they become unwell book a test and advise the office on 01952 386600 that your child will remain at home whilst they await a result.

Thank you all for your support.

Best wishes

Mrs Moody

Year 6 reminders

Just a polite reminder, all year 6 classes have PE on Thursday so make sure you bring your kits!

House team captain voting is being held on Friday – all the staff are looking forward to hearing  the speeches explaining why your house team should pick you as one of their captains. We are meeting outside this year so unfortunately no powerpoints. Good luck with your speech writing, can’t wait to hear them!


Leavers Day: Monday 19th July

Dear Year 6 parents and carers,


Please find below copies of the letters we sent a couple of weeks ago with details for Monday:

letter to year 6 re leavers

Sports day Track and Trace form



*STRICTLY one person per child to ‘spectate’.  This includes NO siblings.

*All adults will need to hand in a Track and Trace form on arrival.  A paper copy was sent home and a further copy is attached for your attention.

*Areas will be allocated per class so please ensure you go to the area allocated to your child’s class.

*Please bring your own chair!

*Gates will open at 9.30am and we aim to finish around 11.30am; this includes a Leavers Service as well as Sports Day!

*Children will need to come to school in their PE kits.


On Monday lunchtime Year 6 have chosen the dinner menu (burgers, nuggets, fries, onion rings and ice cream!) and if they wish to have this menu the usual charge applies.


In the afternoon Year 6 will be able to get their t-shirts signed!  Please bring a white polo shirt with them for signing and a suitable pen (from experience Sharpies work best!).


All Year 6 children are invited to a Leavers Party from 3.30-4.30pm.  They do not need to bring anything for this and collection will be as usual through the black gates.


Thank you for your support.

Mrs M