
Monday 20th January, 2025

Football Match Wednesday….

If your child is playing in the 3/4 or 5/6 football team in a game on Wednesday please can they bring their kits tomorrow (Tuesday).

Mr Humphries will do a practise with them over lunchtime.

The children need to get changed promptly at 12pm, go into lunch first and then meet Mr Humphries on the field.

Friday 17th January, 2025

SEND coffee afternoon

Everyone is welcome to join us at the Spring term SEND coffee afternoon on Monday 10th February at 1.45pm.
We are again going to be joined by PODs (Parents Open Doors) for the session. If you have any questions or are looking for support with anything, please come along.


Wednesday 15th January, 2025

Pet Day- Friday 24th January

Children will have brought home a letter last night outlining our exciting Pet Day on Friday 24th January. A copy of that letter is included here too.

It is a fab day, with the intention of learning all about how to care for our pets.

The reply slip is to be returned to the teacher outlining permission for your child to participate. (Any child who is anxious around animals will not be expected to be around those animals and will be safely away from pets when in class)

Teacher would like to hear about any pets that children have and that may be available to be brought in by yourself for a short, timed visit in school. Teachers will arrange this with you directly as they will be wanting to arrange a range of different pets across the day.

Sadly, not everyone will be able to bring a pet into school. We will be encouraging any child who wants to talk and share about their pet to bring in a photograph to share. There will be time in the day for everyone to talk about their own pet.

We are excited to say we are being visited by local vet, Mike Madden and also by Jelly Exotic Pets, who will be talking to the children during the day too.

Sounds like a fun day!!

Paws Claws and Whiskers 2025