
Friday 3rd March, 2023

Year 4 Boys Gymnastics

The year 4 boys enjoyed using the gymnastics apparatus in the hall this morning, whilst the girls took part in football.Well done boys 😀

Friday 3rd March, 2023

Book Poem Winner

Well done to Isla from 5M who completed a Book Poem in the same style as the one I had shared in assembly. I hope you enjoy it too!

On Monday I entered a book,

I jumped to my feet and did a back tuck.

On Tuesday I looked for a ghost in the hall,

While investigating I was having a ball.

On Wednesday I saw a robot from space,

A new journey we just had to chase.

On Thursday I went to my Gran to deliver food,

A nasty old wolf put me in a mood.

On Friday I got taken in a jar by a giant,

He was tall and big, but looked like a pig.

On Saturday I went on a spy mission catching SCORPIA,

I could sense that victory was near!

On Sunday I saw an old women rob a bank,

All of her jewellery and gold went clank!

Where will I go next week?