Parents and Carers,
I am delighted to share with you the outcome of our recent SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). This was a robust inspection that included a learning walk of our school, paperwork analysis, pupil book looks, meetings with staff, children, parents and Governors.
I am very proud that we achieved a Judgment 1: the highest outcome for a Church of England School. As always I am so very proud of NJS and its community.
The inspector was very complimentary about our school family, how stakeholders go above beyond and how we develop ‘good people’. The report attached below reflects the positive findings during this inspection.
I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support for our school and the difference you all make; staff, parents/carers, Governors and of course our wonderful children.
Best wishes
Mrs Moody
SIAMS Report Newport CE Junior School 123489 021224 – Final (002)