
Monday 8th July, 2024

Open Evening Reminder!

Wednesday 10th July 3.30-6pm

No appointment required! All welcome: current families, Year 2 families and new starters.

Come along at a time convenient to you and view your child’s books, speak with their current teacher and meet their new teacher!

Access in and out through the security gate at the front of school.

Lost Property will be laid out for you to view and reclaim!

Pre Loved uniform will be for sale for small donations to the PTA

Thank you for your support.

Monday 8th July, 2024

High Five Place Availability….

I have been informed that Fairview Wraparound Care are sadly closing their doors at the end of this academic year.

We currently have a waiting list for High Five but are recruiting for new staff so we can offer more places. We know that some of our families use Fairview so if you think you will need to use High Five instead in the next academic year, please can you email me and let me know the sessions you are needing so that we can ensure we employ enough staff to help all our families. If you could give me a rough idea by Wednesday, that will help when we are shortlisting as we can work out numbers of staff needed.

Please email myself emma.heeley@taw.org.uk or Louise Edwards on newportinfantsnursery@taw.org.uk

Here is a link to the website page with our prices and opening times.

High Five Club – Newport Infant School and Nursery


Many thanks

Emma Heeley

Headteacher, Newport Infant School


Friday 5th July, 2024

Lego League Team

A wonderful day was had by all the Lego League Team on our celebration day in Telford. Our thanks to Capgemini for arranging such a great day for the children to participate in.

The team came away with certificates and medals and the award for  best presentation of their build and design ideas.

Friday 5th July, 2024

Year 5’s Trip to Adam’s Grammar School Art Exhibition!

We are very excited about taking our Year 5 children to see the art exhibition next Wednesday afternoon. We will be back for the end of the school day. We are looking forward to seeing what the HAGS children have produced.