
Wednesday 1st March, 2017

Year 5 Librarians Assembly 1.3.17

imageThe Year 5 school librarians shared their own fantastic book reviews with the whole school this morning in assembly to celebrate Book Week 2017. Well done!

Tuesday 28th February, 2017

Shrove Tuesday at NJS – thanks to Mrs Beech and Mrs Jones

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Monday 27th February, 2017

Well done James!

After coming second in the Cubs District Chess Competition James qualified to compete in the County Chess Competition – which he then went on to win beating 23 other players!  Well done from everyone at NJS.

james frost chess


Sunday 26th February, 2017

Year 3 Swimming – Tuesdays

Dear Year 3 Parents,
Please ensure your child has their swimming kit on a Tuesday this half term until Easter.
On Thursdays they will need their full, ordinary PE kit, as usual.
The Year 3 Team

Sunday 26th February, 2017

Year 5 – Swimming

Year 5 children please remember your swimming kits on Monday 27th February.

You will need them every Monday until Easter ( with exception to the Cadbury World trip week!!)


Mr M & Miss Hardy

Sunday 19th February, 2017

A Wax Work Thank You!

Thank you to parents and staff for all of their hard work and support with the Wax Work Museum.  This was a very new idea which we hoped would inspire our children and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who helped the children to prepare.  There was an incredible ‘buzz’ in school last week as the children thrived on pursuing their own interests through their inspirational person.

Thank you to all parents who completed a feedback form at the end of the Museum.  We value your thoughts following such a ‘new’ event.  It was overwhelmingly positive with comments like:

‘Brilliant idea!’

‘It developed a piece of work to a quality I’ve never seen before.’

‘A wonderful learning opportunity.’

‘A wide variety of inspirational people.’

‘A fabulous opportunity for the whole school to participate.’

‘It was brilliant to see the children so inspired by others.’

‘Very difficult to improve on such a wonderful show!’

‘I do not know how you managed to keep them still for so long!’

‘My child was really excited about writing about their person.’

‘It brought tears to my eyes, I loved it!’

‘It was a real confidence boost to my child.’

If we were to repeat this event again we would aim for staggered entry times for parents to ensure they have plenty of time to appreciate the writing produced by the children.