
Monday 5th October, 2015

Reading/Maths/Writing National Standards

Dear Parent,  on the curriculum page you will find added the Writing/Maths/Reading national Standard Grids

Monday 5th October, 2015

6J Attendance Winners

This weeks winners of the attendance award are 6J! Well done to all of 6J for your determination in getting into school, keep it up! Enjoy your extra play time this week. 

Sunday 4th October, 2015

Harvest Festival Assembly

Harvest Festival Assembly.
Thursday 15th October
School Hall
Supporting our Local Foodbanks. 
We have received a request to support local Foodbanks this year as part of our Harvest Fundraising Campaign. 

Their request is for certain food items which are in high demand. If you can help by donating in any small way we would be very grateful.

All donations are needed and passed on to Foodbanks in Newport and in Telford.

Required items include:

  • tinned meat
  • tinned vegetables
  • tinned soup
  • longlife milk
  • pasta/rice pots
  • pasta sauces

Any contribution would be much appreciated and really make a big difference to local people in need. Children can bring in their donations on the morning of the Harvest Assembly.

During the Assembly Children will be learning about the Global Goals which have been recently established by world leaders. Assembly will start at 2.45pm. All parents welcome to attend.
Mr Rotherham 

Wednesday 30th September, 2015

French Day to Celebrate European Day of Languages







On Friday 25th September, the whole school participated in French Day.  Teachers delivered workshops on: French artists; traditional French children’s songs; French playground games; French composers; French history (Bastille day); French stories; food tasting and traditional mealtimes in France; French maths and Boules.


The children really enjoyed all the workshops on offer and some of the children said:

Alfie in 3R: “Boules is good.  I like playing games.”

Cameron in 3B: “French stories are good because I get to learn some French.  Rouge means red.”

James in 5M: “I enjoyed French outdoor games and I learnt number up to 30.”

Eidann in 6J: “Today has been full of excitement.  The hardest bit was learning the French song.”

Well done everyone!